Angel Lip


Silicon Valley

Spencer Kelly
By Spencer Kelly

Silicon Valley is the southern part of San Francisco's Bay Area, stretching from the city to San Jose. This is one of the top research and development centres in the world; wherever you look someone is having a good idea.
According to the Wall Street Journal, half of the 20 most inventive towns in the US are in Silicon Valley.
Nowadays the place is not just about silicon chip makers; all technology is here.
It is a string of satellite towns full of clever people, incredibly successful tech companies, and hopefuls looking to make the big time.
This place was the centre of the dotcom bubble of the mid 90s, when investors were pouring money into anything with a dot in the title. Of course it was also the hardest hit when the bubble burst. For every surviving big player, hundreds went under.
Now the optimism is back, along with the money.

Cash call
Each week there are meetings, networking events and presentations in whichDrobo

hopeful start-ups attempt to garner interest from investors.

The Drobo boxes are selling for $500 a pop

Vincent Lauria, Tech meetup organiser said: "Hi-tech meetups have actually grown phenomenally. We started out pretty small, six people first met up. We met every month and kept growing gradually, bigger and bigger until it hit critical mass and started growing on its own.
"We are now over 1,500 people," he said.
"I try to pick companies that either I feel are on a very good course to do well, or have a really unique idea that nobody else is really touching."
It is often the simple things that take off. Take Data Robotics which makes high capacity home storage systems called Drobo.
Geoff Barrall, Data Robotics boss, said: "Today's storage solutions are all very intensive; you have to move data around, you have to copy files, you have to worry about backing up data.

"The Drobo does all of that for you. So once the data is on Drobo it's going to worry about keeping it safe, it's going to worry about letting you add more storage and grow into the future without you having to do anything at all."
Simplifying storage and back-up has tapped into a big market. Data Robotics claims it is selling its $500 (£250) boxes faster than it can make them.

Green machines
It is not just computer technology that folks in the valley are working on. Green technology is winning investors too, said Drew Clark from IBM Capital Ventures.
"I think [one of] the major drivers in today's buzz in Silicon valley is clean tech or energy tech or energy 2.0, whatever we are calling it these days," said Mr Clark.
"If you look at venture capital statistics it is now the third highest place that money is going into.
One of the green innovations dreamed up is a highly efficient solar panel.

The curved panels use 1/1000th of the area needed by traditional ones

The panels produced by SolFocus reflect sunlight to a central point to harness the energy.

Solar panels
Unlike flat panels it means the expensive materials used to convert the energy to electricity are concentrated in one place. SolFocus claims to use 1/1000th of the area needed by flat panels, which keeps the manufacturing costs low.
Gary Conley, SolFocus explained: "These cells have efficiency over double that of the best silicon today. We concentrate the sun 500 times on that small amount of cell, hence the 1000th of the amount of material used, or the expensive part.
"When there is no sun, or you can't see the solar disc, our panels produce zero power. They only produce power in bright sunny locations or when the sun is out."
Contracts have already been signed with the Spanish government for a large scale solar farm in Southern Spain.

The other boom area is something called mash-ups which build on the crop of richly interactive websites that are part of that nebulous movement called Web 2.0.
This has given us sites such as, which lets people express their like or dislike of almost anything, and, which lets you shop by searching for stuff similar to what you have already bought.

"Mash-ups come from hip hop DJs mashing together sounds to create new sounds," said Mr Clark from IBM.
"Web 2.0 really was fundamentally about the web enabling that kind of thing, but not necessarily music but other kinds of content.
"Google went out there with Google Maps and Google Earth and provided the early mash-ups. So a lot of creative people came together and monetised it.
"They basically said real estate listings are boring, so what if we took the text and the geographical coordinates and mash them up on a map so you can actually look at the house and see where it is.
The next big idea could be very local too. In the age of virtual networks many of us know more about Apple than our next door neighbour. aims to tell you more - if you are interested.
Although research suggests that fewer than 1% of tech start-ups will be successful in attracting enough cash, it is not hard to see the potential returns if you pick a winner.

Peter Rip, venture capitalist, said: "A lot of the things that I see in web 2.0 are features, they are not really businesses and they are frankly pretty easy to replicate.
Two people with a couple of computers here in South Park can do a lot of things very quickly, so the risk you have as an investor is to have something unique and differentiate it.
Mr Rip told the story of two developers who had worked on a project for four years before they showed it to him.

"So they had a deep intellectual property and they actually had invented something that wasn't easy to replicate, he said. "That gives them a barrier to go and build a business around it."



Oscar voters pick their nominees

The countdown to February's Oscars has begun after ballot papers were posted to the Academy Awards' 5,829 voters。
The first round of voting, which ends on 12 January, will decide which films and actors will be nominated. Another round of voting will then take place to determine who will pick up the prestigious golden statuettes at the ceremony in Los Angeles on 24 February. The award field is thought to be wide open, with Atonement and Into the Wild among the possible contenders. Joel and Ethan Coen's No Country for Old Men is also one of the early favourites - but there is no clear frontrunner. There is also uncertainty over what form the ceremony will take if the current Hollywood writers' strike carries on.

Emile Hirsch (left) and Sean Penn filming Into the Wild

Actor Emile Hirsch (left) won praise for Sean Penn's film Into the Wild

There could be no script for host Jon Stewart and the star presenters, and the strike could also affect the event's big-name turnout.
If writers picket the event, few A-list actors would want to be seen crossing the picket line.
Members of the Writers Guild of America have been on strike for seven weeks, but there are another two months until the Academy Awards take place at the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.
The nominees and winners are decided by members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which includes actors, directors and the cream of professionals from across the movie industry.
The ballots were sent on 26 December by auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, who will also count the returned papers under strict security.
The initial votes must be returned by 1700 Los Angeles time on 12 January, with the nominations made public 10 days later.

Oscar statuettes
The Oscar nominations will be announced on 22 January



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